integer - meaning and definition. What is integer
Online Dictionary

What (who) is integer - definition

IntegerNumbers; Integers; Integer number; Signed Numbers; Rational integer; ℤ; Interger; Integer value; Negative integer; Set of integers; Zahlen; Integar; Intergar; Construction of the integers; Integer-valued; Z (set); Integer numbers; Ring of rational integers; Intger
  • ℤ}}]])
  • negative]] integers are shown in blue and negative integers in red.
  • upright=1.5

·noun A complete entity; a whole number, in contradistinction to a fraction or a mixed number.
¦ noun
1. a whole number.
2. a thing complete in itself.
C16: from L., 'intact, whole', from in- (expressing negation) + the root of tangere 'to touch'; cf. entire.
Whole number.



An integer is the number zero (0), a positive natural number (1, 2, 3, etc.) or a negative integer with a minus sign (−1, −2, −3, etc.). The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding positive numbers. In the language of mathematics, the set of integers is often denoted by the boldface Z or blackboard bold Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } .

The set of natural numbers N {\displaystyle \mathbb {N} } is a subset of Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } , which in turn is a subset of the set of all rational numbers Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } , itself a subset of the real numbers R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } . Like the natural numbers, Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } is countably infinite. An integer may be regarded as a real number that can be written without a fractional component. For example, 21, 4, 0, and −2048 are integers, while 9.75, 5+1/2, and 2 are not.

The integers form the smallest group and the smallest ring containing the natural numbers. In algebraic number theory, the integers are sometimes qualified as rational integers to distinguish them from the more general algebraic integers. In fact, (rational) integers are algebraic integers that are also rational numbers.

Pronunciation examples for integer
1. so integer plus integer times i are another new integer,
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2. is one, integer, coherence.
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3. to 20 integer variables.
Stuart _ Talks at Google
4. problem, an integer program, to do this.
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5. So this is another integer programming problem.
Opt Art - From Mathematical Optimization to Visual Design _ Prof. Robert Bosch _ Talks at Google